jack sprat

October 19, 2007

I moved to a new site and you can now find this post at http://www.elsiemarley.com/jack-sprat.html

If you would like to add me to your blogroll or feed reader, the new site is http://www.elsiemarley.com and the RSS feed is http://www.elsiemarley.com/feed

thanks -meg

17 Responses to “jack sprat”

  1. Marcy Says:

    These brought a smile to my face when I saw them in my tag surfer today.

  2. Nanette Says:

    I ADORE these. The huffy arm-folding is just the business. Fantastic!

  3. sarahmasciana Says:

    These are so fun! They look like they walked right out of a children’s book…

  4. VictoriaE Says:

    I love them, they have a lot of character and the details are great.

  5. Lindy Says:

    great job, those little arms and legs would have made me crazy!!

  6. sarah Says:

    These are great- they remind me of me and my partner- he’s tall and skinny and I’m small and round!

  7. Bea Says:

    I like them to! You must be very patient..

  8. stratfordspurlock Says:

    these are FANTASTIC! your attenion to detail is wonderful. I havent seen great little dolls like this in a long time!

  9. Monica Says:

    Elsie these are just fantastic! They’re so expressive… and detailed… you’re really really good!

    What’s next?

  10. Chris Says:

    These are wonderful. I was stumbling through blogs today and am SO glad to have found yours and met this unforgettable couple!!

  11. kristin Says:

    your dolls are wonderful! i love how you used the nursery rhyme as your inspiration

  12. Neta Says:

    They are wonderful!
    I love your photos too.

  13. Myam Says:

    Those are great! 😀

  14. tracie Says:

    They are wonderful!!!! I love love them. well done.

  15. Michelle Says:

    They’re wonderful. It’s nice to see something different.

  16. twiddletails Says:

    So cute! Your blog is lovely and full of inspiration.

  17. […] support him: his beloved pie backed him right away, Hickety Pickety thought him a fine gentlemen, Jack Sprat wouldn’t think of voting for anyone else, and his wife made the lovely signs. So now […]

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